We are...
an international, women-led team of peace and conflict practitioners. We work collaboratively with our clients and partners to provide education, build understanding, design initiatives, and integrate global and local perspectives.
We come from a wide variety of personal and professional backgrounds - the arts, sciences, countries across the world, religious and non-religious contexts, academics and activism.
We bring our whole selves to our work and approach our collaborations with clients in the same manner.
What makes us unique…
Our people.
We are a diverse team of peacebuilders from around the world. We have different areas of expertise, different cultures and different styles of working, but we have a common vision and we believe our differences are what make up our unique and multifaceted perspective. We deeply respect and value one another’s experiences and views, and that mirrors the respect and value we bring to our clients’ experiences as well.
Our process.
We include our clients in the process. Collaboration is not only in our name, it is at the core of everything we do. For every individual, organization or community we work with, we integrate our clients’ knowledge, experience and engagement as a key part of creating an effective and sustainable process.
Our impact.
As a result of our contribution, our clients are able to increase their global perspectives, gain tools to build deeper peace and approach conflict in a healthy manner. Not only do we assist in designing and delivering content for our clients, we guide our clients into a clearer understanding of the conflict itself and empower them to resolve it.